From Setback to Success: Your Path to Success

#bycalbergcoaching #camillacalberg #futureleaders #leaders May 23, 2023

Today, I want to share a personal experience that deeply impacted my own journey and ignited my passion for helping others succeed.


It all started when I contracted mononucleosis just before my 18th birthday, which forced me to take a significant break from school. When I finally returned, I faced an uphill battle, struggling to catch up on missed lessons and overcome the challenges that lay ahead.


As the exam period approached, I realised there was a noticeable gap in my knowledge—a void that I couldn't bridge on my own. Desperate for support, I mustered the courage to ask a friend if I could review her notes, hoping it would expedite my learning process and provide valuable insights. Unfortunately, her response was disheartening, leaving me devastated and unable to comprehend why someone wouldn't lend a helping hand. Though I've come to understand it now, at the time, it was a tough lesson to learn.


Today, my passion lies in sharing knowledge to contribute to the success of others.


So I've chosen to serve as powerfully as possible in this fiercely competitive job market. Recognising the challenge, I have compiled a list of seven crucial actions that are often overlooked by many leaders during their transition. By implementing these strategies, you can significantly enhance your chances of finding a new position and standing out among the competition.


7 Crucial Actions To Apply When In Transition 


  1. Identify Your Unique Value and Align it With Your Communication. What is it that only you can do? Align your achievements with how you talk about yourself, your branding in your CV, the topics your talk about. and your price point. 
  2. Craft a Winning Job Search Strategy. Many leaders ask their network “do you have a job for me?” Instead, decide what you want and go for it.
  3. Take Intentional Actions. Niche down what industry and organisations you want to serve. Connect with the right employers. Attend events – eg LinkedIn Audio Events and Groups - where your employers are.
  4. Cultivate The Right Mindset. What you tell yourself and others matters more than you think. Your thoughts and the words you use have a significant impact on your actions and outcomes. Be mindful of the thoughts that you think and the language you use, as negative thinking and language can be more damaging than you realise.
  5. Develop the resilience needed to thrive. It’s tough to be looking for a new and it’s draining. Many people give up and get ready to procrastinate their search or accept to settle for less. That’s not the mindset if you want to advance in your career.
  6. Optimise Your CV and Cover Letter with AI Tools for Success
  7. Maximise your energy. Time is energy. Apply tools, join communities, and work with people who can help you.


Yes, you can be successful at finding a job without these tools. What I’ve found to be more successful is something I call strategic job navigation. When I teach and train in the concept of strategic job navigation in my own group coaching program which I call Dream Job Accelerator Challenge - you can click here if you want to apply -   it's not only a sustainable process for long-haul success you learn. You are not so stressed out and the journey becomes more enjoyable. Using the system the way I teach and train you in, you surrender to personal growth and tap into your unleashed potential as the visionary leader who wants to create impact and contribute to making this world a better place for patients.


Hopefully, this newsletter has opened your eyes to a lot of the mistakes you may be making in your transition which actually keeps you away from attracting the dream job that you want.


If you want to learn even more about mistakes and how to avoid them, I invite you to join me at my brand new Dream Job Accelerator Challenge.  I share some really good information and tools that I typically only share with my private clients. I reveal a proven strategic job navigation system that works. I pull back the curtain and show you the strategy, the mindset, the system you need to have in order to land your next dream job. I share my transformation, and what has been working for me. I share non-disclosed client stories and successes. I will reveal all the mistakes that you might be making so that you can clean this up and start to attract the dream job that you desire faster than what you have ever experienced.


If this sounds interesting to you, please click the link below to join the Dream Job Accelerator Challenge:


I can't wait to meet you!


Your Friend. Camilla.

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