How To Conquer Fear

fear Apr 20, 2021
How To Conquer Fear

Fear is inevitable for most people. But when anxiety takes charge and holds you back from living or creating the life you want, it’s time to change.

Fear affects your thoughts, how you view and live life. And it drains you from energy and can affect your mental health.

Scary right?!

What I know to be true is that fear is conquerable.

Most people don’t know that.

When you let fear control you, you settle for less.

You dream small.

You don’t show up as the person you really want to be.

You have two choices. Let fear control you OR conquer your fear.

How to conquer fear

Conquering fear is about compassionately confronting yourself what you are afraid of and why.

5 inspiring questions you can ask yourself when conquering fear.

  • What is my fear about?
  • What is the worst that can happen?
  • What is fear preventing me from doing or achieving when not taking chances?
  • Why do I allow fear to hold me back from living the life that I want?
  • Just to do! What actions will I put in place to conquer my fear?

My story on conquering fear

For years I lived in a psychological relationship. Being alone with my deepest fear, how he would react when I filed for divorce made me stay. My decision influenced the quality of my life and that of my daughter. 

Then I partnered up with a coach and things started to change.

A few days after a heavy self-pep-talk and talking to my coach, I chose to meet my fear head-on.

Fear of taking control back was no longer an option!

I filed for divorce.

Shortly after I felt the release in my body and soul. And I was ready to kick-off my dream journey on building my coaching and consulting business.

It was a magic experience.

And that was the moment I realised the power and skill of conquering fear.

Conquer your fear

It is hard work to process what you fear the most.

Be gentle with yourself. Allow time to sit with whatever emotion that shows up.

If you want to speed up your healing process, lean on people you trust to help you move forward.

You may seek professional advice. Working with a coach or a therapist can help as family and friends are opinionated.

On your journey, remember to celebrate. Be proud of what you do. Each step you take gets you closer to your goal. 

You are unlimited!

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